The Old Stone Church
Every church has some kind of program couples go through before they get married to help prepare them for marriage. The Old Stone Churches program consisted of a three day marathon of "marriage counseling" as I like to call it.
The topics we discussed were: Conflict Resolution, Sex in Marriage, Communication, Finances, Religion and Health.
Going into the weekend I thought it was going to be all about God and religion. I was surprised how much the weekend wasn't about that. It ended up being more about Mike and I's relationship and how to deal with everyday life being married. I found parts of the seminar very informative - the fiance part was my favorite, because being in Marketing - finance is the farthest thing from my comfort zone. We learned a lot about each other and were forced to deal with some issues, we may have never talked about before we got married. We took the Myers-Briggs personality test, and learned why we butt heads about certain issues and why each of us deal with issues in different ways. I would suggest every couple take this test, just to see the others personality is why they react to situations differently.
Overall, the weekend was fun. We learned a lot about each other and learned how to work together to make our marriage work. I think we both kind of dreaded the weekend, and when it was over, we both left feeling happy and closer.
Now that that's over, it's time to get back to planning!! :)
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